This number is found by adding your day of birth to your birth month and reducing it to a single digit, unless it is a master number of eleven through ninety-nine.
This is our personal power number. It is the force within that we call upon to pull us out of the trenches when the sky is dark and there is no one else around to save us. It is the vehicle we use to uplift our spirits and raise our vibrations in meditation to reach the state of nirvana. This frequency is how the outside world perceives us and our fallback character when we think no one is looking. Our achievement number is called our attitude number and has been a driving force in our life ever since we took our first breath of air, and it will continue to mature throughout our lifetime.
Like all the numbers, its potency is contingent on the level of our energy field. The higher we vibrate, the stronger it will work for us, and the gifts and talents of this number will continue to bear fruit and support us. If our frequency is low, it will continue to challenge and serve as a reminder to up our game. All of our challenges are opportunities for growth, so it will be worth noting that when our energy frequency is lower, we will encounter more challenges. This is a universal law, and it plays out beautifully in the vibration force of numbers.
All we have to do is witness what happens when we choose to have a loving perspective versus a hateful one in any given situation on any particular day or at any moment. It can be used as a barometer in our lives to measure the level of frequency we are using. When our attitudes take a turn for the worse, we instantly attract negative energy and circumstances to us. How many more challenges do we encounter when we start the day on the wrong side of the bed? How many blessings do we attract when we begin our day in silent contemplation, gratitude, and compassion?
This is how our achievement/attitude Number works for us. It’s our choice! Do we want to work with it or against it?
You are nothing less than a force of nature. Original ideas flow through your mind when you are inspired, and elements gravitate seemingly out of nowhere to support your efforts. Strength of character follows you wherever you go, and your leadership qualities are always gifts to be admired. People are attracted to your vivacious energy and trust your intuition when you are on fire and passionate about something.
Your soul is easily linked to Spirit when you are clear and open because you are a natural conduit with a direct line to divine source. The number one creates a quickening and a conduit between spirit and matter. It is the number that represents alignment. Things can happen quickly for you when you are receiving, listening, and acting on the intuitive insights that are given to you from spirit. The number one achievement can improve the quality of life, attract prosperity, nurture relationships, build careers, and accelerate spiritual growth with its powerful force of nature.
This information and more is available in my book
“Egyptian Numerology; Emergence Into the 5th Dimension”
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