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Your soul life path is the total of your birth date, birth month, and birth year reduced to a single digit. It describes the direction your life will take, what challenges you will encounter, and the opportunities you will come across. It tells you what your life journey will look like and how you connect with the outside world. There are magnetic forces that draw to you various vibrations, events, and circumstances throughout your life, and all of these are influenced by your soul life path number.

Your path is sounded by the eternal drum of life the moment we are born. The drum is symbolic of the circle of life representing vitality, wholeness, completion, perfection, the sacred void, Alpha & Omega, the ouroboros of reincarnation, the infinite representation of Source. And although it is beyond time and space, the closest we can imagine being present within this circle would be a feeling of unconditional love. The fifth dimension is a state of love and light that some would refer to as nirvana. This is your natural state of being, without the concept of time and space.

The personified energetic blueprint you create through the birthing process is called your resonance frequency. It is the vibration the Universe recognizes to ignite the fires of your living breath, burning a path that forges and sets the direction for your life’s mission. I believe that we all were originally born out of the center of this sacred zero and decided to experience and express life through the numeric vibrations of our birth dates and names. Everything involving numbers starts and ends with the number zero.



The number one is a direct line from the earth to the sky, making a clear conduit or channel for focus, awareness, intuition, creativity, and independence. Your expression is that of forming your individuality and personal attainment in this lifetime. You are learning to be strong and stand your ground. You tend to be physically healthier and mentally stronger than most people.

The life path number one serves as a conduit between Spirit and matter through the alignment of electrical currents when connected to Source. The power of this energy is known to be innovative, creative, and strengthens intuition. It is the protector of free thinkers, guardian of the people and environment, and the inventor. It seeks authenticity, confidence, laser focus, and deep concentration.

Number one is a straight arrow reflecting willpower and precision. It embodies the qualities of individuality, self-discovery, and self-empowerment. Unlike the energy of the zero and the number two, which are feminine and receptive, the number one has a masculine and willful energy. It symbolizes leadership, creativity, strength, and confidence. The higher attribute for this frequency is “Interdependence.”

Learn more about your Life Path number and how to utilize your energy to align with your Soul Contract. Click link below.

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